Trans-Sierra Transportation Plan and Business Case

The Trans-Sierra Transportation Coalition, led by the Tahoe Transportation District, is made up of eleven California and Nevada counties, stakeholders, and citizens from Northern California and Northern Nevada committed to ensuring that the region's transportation system continues to support economic vitality and preserves the quality of life in the region.  
The Trans-Sierra Transportation Coalition has prepared a "Transportation Plan" and "Business Case" on the premise that good transportation systems take long term commitment and dedication.  The plan draws upon the individual transportation plans developed by the participating state and local transportation agencies for their respective communities and speak to the goals and objectives of each community and to the transportation projects and services necessary to achieve these goals.  Collectively these plans create a path for realizing the coalition's transportation vision.  The business case identifies, and quantitatively and/or qualitatively assesses, the economic and non-economic benefits that could be realized by full implementation of the plan.