Request for Proposal

Request for Proposal to Prepare Triennial Permormance Audits for Fiscal Years 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24
- posted on August 29, 2024
The Nevada County Transportation Commission (NCTC) invites qualified auditors to submit proposals to conduct performance audits of NCTC and of the transit/paratransit services under NCTC’s jurisdiction, the County of Nevada and the Town of Truckee, for Fiscal Years 2021/22, 2022/23, and 2023/24. The California Public Utilities Code (PUC), Section 99246 (a) requires NCTC to designate entities other than itself or an operator, to make a performance audit of its activities and the activities of each operator to whom it allocates funds. NCTC is not required to conduct performance audits of services that receive funding under Article 8 of the Transportation Development Act (TDA). However, NCTC also requests performance audits of those services to ensure that they are operated in a cost-effective manner and to provide them guidance for improving service. 
NCTC views the performance audit as a process by which the Commission and the transit operators can be assisted in their efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity. It is a way to provide technical and managerial expertise for the operator who does not have the resources to conduct regular reviews of its operations. The performance audit also provides an objective assessment of key issues that are of concern to both the Commission and the operators. 
Nevada County Transportation Commission (NCTC) is a designated Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) created pursuant to Title 7.88, of the State of California Government Code, Section 67920. The mission of NCTC is to plan, communicate, and coordinate with the citizens and decision makers of Grass Valley, Nevada City, Nevada County, Town of Truckee, and with Caltrans to identify transportation needs, propose solutions, and assist in implementing projects to create a balanced regional transportation system, while protecting the rural qualities and historic character of Nevada County.
The Performance Audits must be conducted during Fiscal Year 2024/25 and must be in compliance with relevant sections of the Transportation Development Act, including PUC Section 99246 (b), which reads in part:

“The performance audit shall evaluate the efficiency, effectiveness, and economy of the operation of the entity being audited and shall be conducted in accordance with the efficiency, economy, and program results portions of the Comptroller General’s ‘Standards for Audit of Governmental Organizations, Programs, Activities, and Functions’.”

NCTC further expects that the performance audits will be performed in accordance with the procedures which are delineated in the “Performance Audit Guidebook for Transit Operators and Regional Transportation Planning Entities” issued by the California Department of Transportation.

The Fiscal and Compliance Audits for FY 2021/22 and FY 2022/23 will be available for review at the time the consultant begins work. The FY 2023/24 fiscal audit reports are expected to be available March 2025.
The performance audit of NCTC shall evaluate the efficiency, effectiveness, and economy of the operation of the entity. The audit shall evaluate aspects of the Commission such as its functional areas, committee structures, progress toward established goals and objectives, and effectiveness of budget expenditures. The Comptroller General’s “Standards for Audit of Governmental Organizations, Programs, Activities, and Functions” may serve as a useful guide for a performance audit of the Commission.
The consultant will also provide Triennial Performance Audits for Nevada County Connects, Nevada County Paratransit Services-Lift, Truckee TART and Truckee Dial-A-Ride.
Proposals are to be received at the NCTC office no later than 4:00 p.m., Thursday, October 3, 2024The transmittal letter should include the name, title, address, phone number, and original signature of an individual with authority to negotiate on behalf of and to contractually bind the consulting firm, and who may be contacted during the period of proposal evaluation. The letter must also include a statement acknowledging that the consulting firm has reviewed and accepted NCTC’s Standard Agreement with or without qualifications. See link below for a sample professional service agreement which the selected consultant will be required to execute.
Email the proposal and attachments to Kena Sannar, Transportation Planner, with the Nevada County Transportation Commission. Late proposals will not be accepted. Please deliver five (5) bound copies of the proposal and an electronic copy on Flash Drive to the Nevada County Transportation Commission, 101 Providence Mine Road, Suite 102, Nevada City, CA 95959.
Questions regarding this RFP must be emailed to Kena Sannar at by 4:00 p.m. Thursday, September 12, 2024. No response will be given to verbal questions. NCTC reserves the right to decline a response to any question if, in NCTC's assessment, the information cannot be obtained and shared with all potential organizations in a timely manner. A summary of the questions submitted, with responses by NCTC, will be available Monday, September 16, 2024 on
Consultants may not contact members or employees of Nevada County Transportation Commission to discuss anything related to the proposal. Failure to comply with this requirement may cause the proposal to be denied without review. Oral interviews are tentatively scheduled for Thursday, October 17, 2024, should it be determined they are needed.  A complete schedule of activities is included in the text of the RFP.
NCTC reserves the right to negotiate with bidders on all aspects of the proposed work or to reject all proposals and reissue the RFP or withdraw the RFP at any time, without prior notice. 
NCTC is an equal opportunity employer. Women and minority owned businesses (DBEs) are encouraged to apply.  A directory of Certified DBEs is located at .
1. Will presentations to the NCTC Board and Truckee Town Council be conducted virtually or in person?
   Answer: Consultant presentations to the Nevada County Transportation Commission Board and the Town of Truckee Town Council Board can be presented virtually or in-person.
2. Please confirm there is no DBE goal for this engagement.
   Answer: There is no requirement of the DBE goals for the Triennial Performance Audits.
Request for Proposal for State Advocacy Services
- posted on July 7, 2023
The Nevada County Transportation Commission (NCTC) is a Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) created pursuant to Title 7.88, of the State of California Government Code, Section 67920.  The mission of the NCTC is to plan, communicate, and coordinate with the citizens and decision makers of Grass Valley, Nevada City, Nevada County, the Town of Truckee, and with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to identify transportation needs, propose solutions, and assist in implementing projects to create a balanced regional transportation system, while protecting the rural qualities and historic character of Nevada County.
As the RTPA with jurisdiction over Nevada County, NCTC actively monitors state legislation and transportation policy proposals to ensure that they align with the regional goals and objectives and do not unintentionally disadvantage priority projects for funding consideration.  Often legislative and transportation policy proposals are developed through an “Urban Lens” with a “One Size Fits All Approach” and without consideration to the applicability or consequences of implementation in rural parts of the state.  It is critical that NCTC stay abreast of legislation and policy proposals to ensure opportunities for advocacy are maximized.
One recent example of this was the incorporation of the Caltrans Strategic Investment Strategy (CSIS) into the Senate Bill 1, Active Transportation Program, and non-State Highway Protection Program funding program criteria. The draft criteria raised concerns that rural context was not being correctly considered and the proposed implementation of Vehicle Miles Traveled policies were not being appropriately applied in the criteria; thereby unfairly disadvantaging rural highway projects. The criteria were essentially developing a defacto net-zero VMT policy, which is not in alignment with Climate Action Plan for Transportation Infrastructure (CAPTI) that indicates support for projects that do not “significantly increase VMT”. While new funding opportunities have been established though the Infrastructure Investment Jobs Act, SB1 Competitive Programs, Active Transportation Program (ATP), and other current state programs, rural areas are at risk of being disadvantaged by new grant criteria and subsequently in securing the needed funding to deliver priority regional projects.
NCTC is currently managing the Rural Induced Demand Study, on behalf of the Rural Counties Task Force, to examine the applicability of the concept of Induced Demand in rural settings.  Once this study is complete advocacy efforts will be needed to ensure the study findings are incorporated into state guidance for rural areas.
Additionally, due to increasing transit operational costs and unfunded mandates requiring fleet electrification, additional state funding is needed for both transit operations and capital.  Many rural transit agencies are not facing the same fiscal cliff as their urban counterparts. However, additional funding is needed for service enhancements that will attract ridership and make transit a competitive alternative to the automobile. This is especially important in rural areas in order for public transit to play a significant role in achieving state goals of reducing Vehicle Miles Traveled.
Proposals are to be received at the Nevada County Transportation Commission (NCTC) office no later than 4:00 p.m., Monday, August 7, 2023. Late proposals will not be accepted. See link below for a sample professional service agreement which the selected consultant will be required to execute.
Consultants must deliver three (3) bound copies of the proposal and one (1) unbound original, suitable for reproduction, and an electronic version on USB flash drive to Nevada County Transportation Commission, 101 Providence Mine Road, Suite 102, Nevada City, CA  95959.  Oral interviews are tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, August 30, 2023, should it be determined they are needed.  All questions concerning the RFP and project must be in writing and sent to NCTC’s Deputy Executive Director, Aaron Hoyt, at no later than Wednesday, July 19, 2023.  A complete schedule of activities is included in the text of the RFP.
NCTC reserves the right to negotiate with bidders on all aspects of the proposed work or to reject all proposals and reissue the RFP or withdraw the RFP at any time, without prior notice. 
NCTC is an equal opportunity employer. Women and minority owned businesses (DBEs) are encouraged to apply.  A directory of Certified DBEs is located at .
Please send an email notification to if you will be submitting an RFP, and if not, please indicate the reason why.
Request for Proposal to Prepare the Eastern Nevada County Transit Development Plan Update
- posted on May 2, 2023
The Nevada County Transportation Commission (NCTC) is a Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) created pursuant to Title 7.88, of the State of California Government Code, Section 67920.  The mission of the NCTC is to plan, communicate, and coordinate with the citizens and decision makers of Grass Valley, Nevada City, Nevada County, the Town of Truckee, and with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to identify transportation needs, propose solutions, and assist in implementing projects to create a balanced regional transportation system, while protecting the rural qualities and historic character of Nevada County.
As part of the regional transportation planning process, the NCTC in coordination with the Town of Truckee is seeking proposals from consulting firms with qualifications and experience necessary to update the Eastern Nevada County Transit Development Plan (ENCTDP). It is necessary that the ENCTDP be updated to provide adequate guidance for making operational adjustments, prioritizing investments, and addressing capital needs over the five-year planning period. Additionally, the Town recently completed peak season microtransit pilot programs in summer 2023 and winter 2022-2023 as well as embarked on an off-peak pilot for Spring 2023. As part of this effort, the Town completed a “Microtransit Feasibility Report” that was informed by the 2022 summer pilot. The intent was to evaluate the feasibility of microtransit in Truckee against both the existing fixed route and dial-a-ride services as well as service expansion recommendations in the current 2018 ENCTDP. The firm selected to update the 2018 ENCTDP will be expected to, evaluate and incorporate, findings from the ongoing Microtransit pilot operations and “Microtransit Feasibility Report” by integrating microtransit into the overall service plan. It should be noted that the current fixed route, Dial-a-Ride (DAR), and ADA service is provided by one contractor, while the microtransit pilot project(s) are provided by different operators under a separate contract.
Finally, the Town is in the process of finalizing the update of their General Plan which places a heavy emphasis on alternative transportation to address both existing and future transportation needs and demand. The General Plan is anticipated to be adopted in late spring/early summer 2023 and should be cross referenced for consistency as it relates to the Mobility Element, Climate Action Plan Element, and Downtown Truckee Plan and associated Environmental Impact Report (
This study will analyze a wide range of service, capital, institutional and management, and financial alternatives. The consultant will evaluate the existing local and regional transit systems in place, (including microtransit service(s)), opportunities for improved coordination in the region, identify the most efficient approach to meet the needs of the public, and carefully identify where transit resources should be prioritized and allocated over the five-year planning period. Public involvement and outreach activities (i.e., community and stakeholder meetings, public forums, on-board surveys, etc.) are integral components of this study and are expected to be included in the consultant’s overall work plan. This should contemplate and include efforts and materials to engage and interact with minority, underrepresented AND vulnerable populations. The final product will guide the provision of services over the next five-year period, within the financial revenues projected, and include a prioritized implementation plan to accomplish the plan recommendations. Minor changes to the scope of work may be necessary to integrate innovative approaches suggested by the consulting firm.
The Plan will include a year-by-year implementation schedule for all plan elements, identifying the responsible parties as well as administrative and financial requirements. Implementation of the recommended plan elements will be reviewed annually by the Town of Truckee and adjustments will be made as necessary to ensure that capital, operating, and financial plans are both realistic and well-coordinated. The NCTC also reviews transit statistics on an on-going basis and will coordinate closely with the Town of Truckee in relation to administering transit funding and the implementation of the ENCTDP.
In preparing proposals, firms should be advised that Town places a high value on diversity, equity and inclusiveness as part of any planning process and follows the a set of core values known as “The Truckee Way” This should be taken into consideration as scope, budget and schedule are prepared.
Proposals are to be received at the Nevada County Transportation Commission (NCTC) office no later than 4:00 p.m., Thursday, June 1, 2023.  Late proposals will not be accepted.  Please complete and submit Exhibits 10-H1 Cost Proposal, 10-O1, and 10-O2, per the RFP. See link below for a sample professional service agreement which the selected consultant will be required to execute.
Consultants must deliver ten (10) bound copies of the proposal and an electronic version on USB flash drive to Nevada County Transportation Commission, 101 Providence Mine Road, Suite 102, Nevada City, CA  95959. The consultant may ask for clarification of the RFP by submitting written questions to NCTC's Transportation Planner, Kena Sannar at Questions regarding this RFP must be submitted no later than May 16, 2023. No response will be given to verbal questions. NCTC reserves the right to decline a response to any question if, in the NCTC's assessment, the information cannot be obtained and shared with all potential organizations in a timely manner. A summary of the questions submitted, including responses deemed relevant and appropriate by the NCTC, will be provided on or about May 19, 2023, to all firms that receive the RFP.
Oral interviews and presentations, if deemed necessary, are tentatively scheduled to be held between June 20-22, 2023. A complete schedule of activities is included in the text of the RFP.
NCTC reserves the right to negotiate with bidders on all aspects of the proposed work or to reject all proposals and reissue the RFP or withdraw the RFP at any time, without prior notice. 
NCTC is an equal opportunity employer. Women and minority owned businesses (DBEs) are encouraged to apply.  A directory of Certified DBEs is located at .
Please send an email notification to if you will be submitting an RFP, and if not, please indicate the reason why.
Request for Proposal to Prepare Fiscal and Compliance Audits for Fiscal Years 2022/23, 2023/24, 2024/25
- posted on April 24, 2023
The Nevada County Transportation Commission invites qualified auditors to submit proposals for Fiscal and Compliance Audits for Fiscal Years ending June 30, 2023, June 30, 2024, and June 30, 2025, with an option of two one-year extensions for fiscal years ending June 30, 2026 and June 30, 2027. These audits must be completed and submitted to NCTC and the State of California Controller's Office as required by applicable law. 
As part of the regional transportation planning process, NCTC is responsible for ensuring that an annual fiscal and compliance audit is done for all claimants who receive an allocation of funds pursuant to the Transportation Development Act Statutes and California Code of Regulations. In accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, NCTC requires claimants of funds from federal, state, and local sources to be audited annually. 
NCTC is seeking a firm or individual (consultant) to provide the required fiscal and compliance audits for the agencies, funds, and claimants indicated. 
The consultant will prepare an annual report of the financial transactions of NCTC in accordance with PUC Sections 99406, California Code of Regulations Section 6660, and notifications from the State Controller's office. 

NCTC expects the consultant to be available throughout the year to respond to financial questions that could impact the audit, without incurring additional charges. The Consultant will utilize electronic data to prepare for the audit and financial statements. The cost proposal should include yearly costs for each fiscal year. 
Proposals are to be received at the NCTC office no later than 4:00 p.m., Thursday, May 18, 2023.  Late proposals will not be accepted. The transmittal letter should include the name, title, address, phone number, and original signature of an individual with authority to negotiate on behalf of and to contractually bind the consulting firm, and who may be contacted during the period of proposal evaluation. The letter must also include a statement acknowledging that the consulting firm has reviewed and accepted NCTC’s Standard Agreement with or without qualifications. See link below for a sample professional service agreement which the selected consultant will be required to execute.
Email the proposal and attachments to Dan Landon, Executive Advisor, Deliver five (5) bound copies of the proposal and an electronic copy on Flash Drive to the Nevada County Transportation Commission, 101 Providence Mine Road, Suite 102, Nevada City, CA 95959.
Questions regarding this RFP must be emailed to Dan Landon, Executive Advisor, by 4:00 p.m. Thursday May 4, 2023. No response will be given to verbal questions. NCTC reserves the right to decline a response to any question if, in NCTC's assessment, the information cannot be obtained and shared with all potential organizations in a timely manner. A summary of the questions submitted, including responses deemed relevant and appropriate by NCTC, will be available on Tuesday, May 9, 2023 on interviews are tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, May 31, 2023, should it be determined they are needed.  A complete schedule of activities is included in the text of the RFP.
Consultants may not contact members or employees of Nevada County Transportation Commission to discuss anything related to the proposal. Failure to comply with this requirement may cause the proposal to be denied without review. 
NCTC reserves the right to negotiate with bidders on all aspects of the proposed work or to reject all proposals and reissue the RFP or withdraw the RFP at any time, without prior notice. 
NCTC is an equal opportunity employer. Women and minority owned businesses (DBEs) are encouraged to apply.  A directory of Certified DBEs is located at .
Please send an email notification to if you will be submitting an RFP, and if not, please indicate the reason why.
Request for Proposal to Prepare a Zero Emission Vehicle Transition Plan for the County of Nevada
- posted on December 16, 2022
The Nevada County Transportation Commission (NCTC) is a Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) created pursuant to Title 7.88, of the State of California Government Code, Section 67920.  The mission of the NCTC is to plan, communicate, and coordinate with the citizens and decision makers of Grass Valley, Nevada City, Nevada County, the Town of Truckee, and with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to identify transportation needs, propose solutions, and assist in implementing projects to create a balanced regional transportation system, while protecting the rural qualities and historic character of Nevada County.
On behalf of the County of Nevada, the Nevada County Transportation Commission will manage a fleet zero emission vehicle transition plan to identify the necessary steps that the County of Nevada can take to comply with upcoming California Air Resource Board (CARB) regulations related to the Innovative Clean Transit and lightweight, medium-duty, and heavy-duty public fleet electrification regulations.

The plan will guide Nevada County in its endeavor to meet the regulations by evaluating and identifying a detailed plan to successfully convert the county vehicle fleet to zero emission vehicles within the timeline specified by CARB. The infrastructure needs for power delivery and charging, hydrogen storage and distribution, maintenance needs, and capital replacement considerations will be incorporated into the overall plan. Where electrification of certain vehicle fleet mix (e.g. heavy duty trucks) may not be possible due to market readiness, other zero-carbon alternatives should be explored and evaluated for fleet replacement and infrastructure improvements needs.
While the County of Nevada (County) has deployed and ordered a limited number of alternative fueled vehicles for its county fleet to date, a plan is needed to provide a roadmap for supporting required fleet modifications to meet State and Federal requirements over the next 20 years and provide efficient implementation of necessary alternative fuel solutions at certain county facilities for the fleet, staff, and the public. A plan will also help the County meet sustainability goals, potentially reduce costs, and reduce the County’s carbon footprint.
NCTC is seeking a qualified consultant, or team, with strong qualifications and experience capable of developing an implementable plan that will support the reduction of greenhouse gasses and vehicle emissions in compliance with State and Federal mandates (CARB, Transit, etc.) and requirements (California Building Code, etc.).

The Nevada County Zero Emission Vehicle Transition Plan will provide a roadmap for supporting required fleet modifications to meet State and Federal requirements over the next 20 years and provide efficient implementation of necessary alternative fuel solutions at certain county facilities for the fleet, staff, and the public. The plan should be easily updatable in the future.

The plan should provide recommendations and cost estimates for a reasonable transition of County fleet vehicles and infrastructure sufficient to maintain fleet readiness and responsiveness, and that will be able to grow as additional alternative fueled vehicles are added to the fleet. The plan will need to include specific details for each County facility listed above and identify future maintenance needs and costs for recommended infrastructure. For fleet zero emission infrastructure, the plan will need to evaluate the zero emission options, such as electric, hydrogen, renewable natural gas, or other, and include details on the number of charging stations needed at each facility over that timeframe or a hydrogen distribution and fueling system to ensure the necessary infrastructure is in place to meet the demands of the fleet. The plan will also identify testing equipment needs for the County Agricultural Commissioner/ Weights and Measures Department who is tasked with testing electric charging and other fueling systems for accuracy.

In addition to the infrastructure needed for County fleet vehicle fueling/charging, there is and will continue to be a need for EV chargers for County staff and/or the public at County facilities. The staff and public charging location, timing, and needs will be different from those of the current County fleet, though there may be opportunities to share charging infrastructure or fueling stations to reduce installation and maintenance costs. EV Charging needs should assume that electric vehicle numbers will increase in line with current and anticipated State mandates.

In general, Nevada County population growth is anticipated to be minimal over the next 20 years and so county vehicle and equipment needs should be assumed to increase at about 1% per year over the next 20 years.
Proposals are to be received at the Nevada County Transportation Commission (NCTC) office no later than 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 7, 2023.  Late proposals will not be accepted.  Please complete and submit Exhibits 10-H1 Cost Proposal, 10-O1, and 10-O2, per the RFP. See link below for a sample professional service agreement which the selected consultant will be required to execute.
Consultants must deliver six (6) bound copies of the proposal and an electronic version on USB flash drive to Nevada County Transportation Commission, 101 Providence Mine Road, Suite 102, Nevada City, CA  95959.  Oral interviews are tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, February 22, 2023, should it be determined they are needed.  All questions concerning the RFP and project must be in writing and sent to NCTC’s Transportation Planner, Kena Sannar at no later than Friday, January 13, 2023.  A complete schedule of activities is included in the text of the RFP.
NCTC reserves the right to negotiate with bidders on all aspects of the proposed work or to reject all proposals and reissue the RFP or withdraw the RFP at any time, without prior notice. 
NCTC is an equal opportunity employer. Women and minority owned businesses (DBEs) are encouraged to apply.  A directory of Certified DBEs is located at .
Please send an email notification to if you will be submitting an RFP, and if not, please indicate the reason why.
Request for Proposal to Prepare a Rural Induced Demand Study
- posted on July 6, 2022
The Nevada County Transportation Commission (NCTC) is a Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) created pursuant to Title 7.88, of the State of California Government Code, Section 67920.  The mission of the NCTC is to plan, communicate, and coordinate with the citizens and decision makers of Grass Valley, Nevada City, Nevada County, the Town of Truckee, and with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to identify transportation needs, propose solutions, and assist in implementing projects to create a balanced regional transportation system, while protecting the rural qualities and historic character of Nevada County.
NCTC is also one of 26 rural counties that make up the Rural Counties Task Force (RCTF). These counties have a population less than 250,000 and do not have an urbanized area greater than 50,000. The 26 rural county Regional Transportation Planning Agencies (RTPA), or Local Transportation Commissions, collaborate on transportation issues, funding, and advocate on these issues through a unified voice to the California Transportation Commission, Caltrans, and the State Transportation Agency. The RCTF has been a critical forum for discussing the changing transportation landscape through the implementation of SB 743 and other related state initiatives to address climate change. 
Specifically, recent guidelines such as the Transportation Analysis Framework (Caltrans, 2020) and Climate Action Plan for Transportation Infrastructure (CalSTA, 2021) established policies directed at reducing vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by supporting projects that do not induce demand through implementation of multimodal transportation options and non-capacity increasing roadway projects. Rural agencies are concerned with the applicability of induced demand guidelines in rural corridors absent significant congestion and are seeking data and analysis to help ensure the issue is correctly addressed in state guidelines and that the associated funding program criteria do not unnecessarily limit the competitiveness of rural projects for state funding programs.  Many of the transportation projects featured in rural regional transportation plans include active transportation and complete streets projects to improve rural main streets and multi-modal mobility; however, additional lanes may be required to address operational and safety improvements, as well as, maintaining mobility for tourism and accessibility, and providing sufficient capacity to serve communities during wildfire evacuations.
As part of the regional transportation planning process and on behalf of the RCTF, the NCTC is seeking a consultant, or team, to research the current body of literature on induced demand to understand the applicability to projects in rural areas of the state, identify and evaluate case studies to determine the occurrence of induced demand and the contributing factors, and make recommendations to appropriately address induced demand on rural highway improvements, including recommendations for addressing these rural highway improvements in relation to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). 
In addition, the study will include a review of existing state guidance documents and research on induced demand and may necessitate additional data collection as available, in order to provide recommendations on how to appropriately determine if a capacity improvement on rural state highways will induce significant demand and develop recommendations for incorporating the study findings into future updates of state guidance documents.
Proposals are to be received at the Nevada County Transportation Commission (NCTC) office no later than 4:00 p.m., Thursday, August 18, 2022.  Late proposals will not be accepted.  Please complete and submit Exhibits 10-H1 Cost Proposal, 10-O1, and 10-O2, per the RFP. See link below for a sample professional service agreement which the selected consultant will be required to execute.
Consultants must deliver five (5) bound copies of the proposal and an electronic version on USB flash drive to Nevada County Transportation Commission, 101 Providence Mine Road, Suite 102, Nevada City, CA  95959.  Oral interviews are tentatively scheduled for Thursday, August 25, 2022, should it be determined they are needed.  All questions concerning the RFP and project must be in writing and sent to NCTC’s Deputy Executive Director, Aaron Hoyt at no later than Thursday, July 21, 2022.  A complete schedule of activities is included in the text of the RFP.
NCTC reserves the right to negotiate with bidders on all aspects of the proposed work or to reject all proposals and reissue the RFP or withdraw the RFP at any time, without prior notice. 
NCTC is an equal opportunity employer. Women and minority owned businesses (DBEs) are encouraged to apply.  A directory of Certified DBEs is located at .
Please send an email notification to if you will be submitting an RFP, and if not, please indicate the reason why.