State Route 49 Corridor System Management Plan
This Corridor System Management Plan (CSMP) provides for the integrated management of travel modes and roadways so as to facilitate the efficient and effective mobility of people and goods within our most congested transportation corridors. It presents an analysis of existing and future traffic conditions and proposes traffic management strategies and capital improvements to maintain and enhance mobility within the State Route 49 corridor.
For the purposes of this CSMP, the study boundaries include a 13.6-mile segment of SR 49 from the Southern Nevada County line to the SR 49/McKnight Way Junction. The study segment and study scope, including performance metrics, were selected for inclusion in consultation with NCTC and public agency stakeholders.
For the purposes of this CSMP, the study boundaries include a 13.6-mile segment of SR 49 from the Southern Nevada County line to the SR 49/McKnight Way Junction. The study segment and study scope, including performance metrics, were selected for inclusion in consultation with NCTC and public agency stakeholders.