SR 174/20 Intersection

Thursday, May 21, 2020
2:00-3:00 P.M and 6:00-7:00 P.M.
We are seeking Public Comment/Input/Support for an Active Transportation Program Grant Application for the Hwy 174/20 Intersection in Grass Valley, CA
The Nevada County Transportation Commission (NCTC) invites members of the public to provide input on a potential Active Transportation Program (ATP) funding grant that NCTC is pursuing to improve the area near the intersection of SR 174 and SR 49/20 in Grass Valley, making it safer for people walking, bicycling, and driving. 
The purpose of the Active Transportation Program funding grant would be to provide an easier and/or safer pedestrian/bicycle route along the streets included in the Hwy 174/20 intersection project. This ATP grant could provide funding to sidewalks, crosswalks, signs, lighting, etc. and would address some of the following:
School: Concerns of students and families about the ability to safely walk and bike to school
Business: Safety issues experienced by business owners, and giving customers easier access to businesses
Community: Improve the transportation options of the community as a whole
(Reduce near-misses of accidents and/or incidents involving vehicles and pedestrians and/or bicyclists)
The outreach event will be held Thursday, May 21, 2020, at two separate times (2:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M.), using an online Zoom Webinar platform.  The Webinar will be conducted by NCTC staff and GHD, the consultant hired to submit an ATP grant application.  Those who are unable to attend the outreach event or would like to learn more, are encouraged to submit comments/input by email to
SR 174/20 Intersection Recommended Improvement Concept
As part of the regional transportation planning process, the Nevada County Transportation Commission (NCTC) has been coordinating efforts with the City of Grass Valley, Caltrans and a transportation consulting firm, GHD, to perform a complete Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) for the intersection of South Auburn Street, State Routes 174 and 20, Neal Street, and frontage roads Tinloy Street and Hansen Way (The “Triangle”). The Triangle has seen little improvement since its construction in the late 1960’s, while traffic levels have grown dramatically. The complicated layout of three closely spaced signalized intersections leads to unnecessary delays and unsafe movements, as well as severely outdated pedestrian and bicycle facilities. An ICE is a Caltrans specified process that analyzes the entire project location to determine optimum traffic control treatments and intersection geometry based on an objective analysis considering technical, financial, environmental, aesthetic and political impacts for the existing conditions and future needs.
Following a lengthy analysis and development process, GHD has completed a recommended improvement plan and is preparing a Draft ICE Report. GHD’s presentation will include a review of the recommended intersection improvements. As shown in the attached graphic, the recommended modifications include a large roundabout which would eliminate two signalized legs and modifications to the geometry and operation of the existing South Auburn Street/ Neal Street leg to improve capacity and efficiency. During the meeting GHD will show a video simulation of the intersection operation. NCTC, Grass Valley, and Caltrans staff believe the recommended solution is an innovative and modern control alternative, that better manages and expedites traffic flow through the whole Triangle, while greatly improving the overall level of safety for all users, especially pedestrians and bicyclists.
Click the link below for a video simulation of the recommended concept:
SR 174/20 Finalized Alternative