Nevada County Active Transportation Plan

Nevada County Active Transportation Plan

NC Active Transportation Plan
As part of the regional transportation planning process, the Nevada County Transportation Commission (NCTC), in coordination with the County of Nevada, City of Grass Valley, City of Nevada City, and Town of Truckee, contracted with the consulting firm Fehr & Peers to prepare an Active Transportation Plan (ATP) covering Nevada County.  The Plan combines previous bicycle and pedestrian planning efforts, evaluates needs, identifies projects and recommends prioritization.  Completion of the study will provide all necessary information and analysis required by the California Transportation Commission's state funding guidelines and assist local agency efforts to secure grant funding for bicycle and pedestrian projects.
Why Create an Active Transportation Plan

The development of the plan will utilize the previously adopted Nevada County Bicycle Master Plan (2013), which was amended in 2016 to incorporate the Town of Truckee's updated Town of Truckee Trails & Bikeways Master Plan (2015), and the Nevada County Pedestrian Improvement Plan (2010) along with input from local jurisdictions and the public.  The plan shall analyze and prioritize recommended bikeway and pedestrian facility improvements by jurisdiction.  By identifying active transportation improvements the Plan will improve efforts to secure funding to implement improvements that strengthen the active transportation network. 

Fehr & Peers has prepared the Final Nevada County Active Transportation Plan (see link at bottom of the page), which incorporates previous bicycle and pedestrian planning efforts and the input received through the public participation process. Previous public participation efforts included local outreach at local farmers markets and street fairs, an online crowd source interactive mapping and comment tool, and public workshops held at the Grass Valley City Hall and Truckee Town Hall.
The Final Active Transportation Plan was adopted by NCTC at their July 17, 2019 meeting..
    Schedule for ATP activities