CMAQ Projects

The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Program is federal funding that is available in western Nevada County for transportation projects that demonstrate emission reductions to help attain federal air quality standards.  Western Nevada County was classified in 2004 as "non-attainment" for 8-hour ozone standards. Project categories eligible for CMAQ funding include:
  • alternative fuels and vehicles
  • congestion reduction and traffic flow improvements
  • transit improvements
  • bicycle and pedestrian facilities
  • public education and outreach
  • diesel engine retrofits
  • car pooling and van pooling 
Projects are submitted by local jurisdictions for consideration and are ranked based on air quality benefits and project readiness. NCTC then reviews the ranking and chooses projects to be funded.

To see details of current projects funded with CMAQ, click the links below:

Calculating CMAQ Air Quality Emission Benefits